
传奇影院娱乐资讯人气:827时间:2022-06-18 12:23:17

2021 is the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China and the opening year of the 14th five year plan. It is of great significance to hold a general meeting to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China.2021年,是建党100周年,也是十四五规划开启之年,举行庆祝中国共产党成立100周年大会活动意义非凡。1921-2021 witnessed the great turning point of the profound change in the historical destiny of the Chinese nation, engraved with the great achievements of the party leading the people firmly towards rejuvenation.1921至2021——见证了中华民族历史命运深刻改变的伟大转折,镌刻下党带领人民坚定迈向复兴的丰功伟绩。It is our party, which does not retreat because of bloodshed when the wind and clouds are surging. It turns into a guiding light to illuminate China's way forward. It is also our party, which turns into the helmsman of navigation and leads us to a happy life.是我们的党,在风起云涌之时,不因流血而后退,化作指路的明灯,照亮着中国前进的道路,也是我们的党,变作航行的舵手,带领我们向幸福生活航行

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